Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wicked Games...

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You're there are alone..
No missed calls or text on your phone..
A house full of family members laughing downstairs..makes you feel even more alone
Why do you feel so alienated?
It seems like while everyone else was blessed,you were cursed when you were created
You just want to feel love..
You just want to be loved..
You just need someone to care..
You just need someone to acknowledge your presences is there..
No one can relate with what you go through everyday
They all say they'll be there for you..but you know, they know that's just the correct thing to say
You wonder what's the meaning of life..if you're feeling like this
You crave the touch of another loving still try to create the feelings of your first kiss
But they always leave...why do they always leave
crying yourself to sleep..wishing you could forget how to breathe..
These movies and books don't portray the real thing..
Just once Hollywood,show the world the real thing..
Show them  what we go through everyday..
When we no longer want to go on another day..
We'll just be the voices never heard..
Silence is the deadliest thing..but its the loudest thing in my world..
So I won't say another thing..I won't say another thing..
Youhurtsowell..So I guess you win..
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