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And for every sad moment,there is a sad song
I hope all the things I do right will always out number the ones I do wrong
We all are just searching..searching for that place we truly belong
'So Far So Gone',I'm not sure how I long I will be gone
It might feel like forever but sometimes the greatest achievements take long
My mind is so clouded,I think I just need a couple more puffs to finish the rest of this bong
No matter how close we may be,we might never ever get along
Even in your darkest moments,you just have to remember the light in your heart is strong
I don't know what to do,I don't know what to say
Is it normal to just watch the things you care about the most, just slowly slip away?
But then again..what is truly normal anyway
Even if my actions don't show it,I truly hope all of you are okay
You might not understand,but I woke up & realized everything had to change one day
Now I don't know if it's safe to go back
Who cared about who more?Was anyone even keeping track
When I gave them my heart,they acted like they didn't know how to react
The people who truly cared used to be so clear,now the vision is all black
And so is my heart,but I still feel a piece of the old me intact
You could have everything in the world,but people will still make up something you lack
So always believe in yourself,alot of us just don't know how to act
But then again,actors are all I see
I wonder if people would be themselves if they didn't have anyone else around to copy
All these stolen hearts & minds,but no one cares about that robbery
I use to cry for you..now I don't even sob for me
And this is just 'The Ride',I can't wait till its over
I pray for the ones with the need to always be drunk or high,with the hate to be sober
But I can't blame them,when life is like this
It seems like most of the time,it's either a hit or miss
And everyone just wants to have sex or kiss
They barely even know each other,but as they say ..'Ignorance is bliss'
My thoughts are never the same
Look how far we came
No matter the distance,we can still remember the pain
I just hope one of us make it out of this ride called life.. sane
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